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Disneyland : The Horse of the West (1957)

« Next week, we’ll tell you the story of The Horse of the West… »

Tout à la fois éducatif, amusant et terriblement années 50, mélangeant sans complexe faits réels et pure fiction, plusieurs générations de jeunes américains ont regardées ce programme de Disney. L’épisode intitulé The Horse of the West est malheureusement introuvable sur internet… il faut se contenter de regarder la présentation que Walt Disney en fait dans l’épisode précédent.

  • Disneyland, Season 4, Episode 12, Mars and Beyond, next week
  • Disneyland, Season 4, Episode 13, The Horse of the West, December 11, 1957 on ABC
  • “Elena Vásquez” = Miss Sammy Fancher, « The California cowgirl was an 11-time qualifier for the National Finals Rodeo and also worked as a top stuntwoman in Hollywood. She won the 1965 barrel racing world title, the same year she claimed the buckle at California Rodeo Salinas. She also competed in team roping and calf roping. She was one of the first women to conduct barrel racing clinics, helping young barrel racers improve their skills. She also served as president of the Women’s Professional Rodeo Association in 1975. »
  • “Bay Lady” = Henny Penny Peake, Driftwood daughter out of Sage Hen : The American Quarter Horse Journal, Henny Penny Peake